An online mindfulness retreat allows us to experience two vert rare things these days: silence and presence. During a retreat, we get to step back from the constant chatter of our minds, the autopilot that runs our thoughts and behaviours. We get a chance to observe our human experience for what it is: a phenomenon that we are witnessing as conscious observers. In the silence of the retreat, presence can help us see things as they really are (the meaning of the Pali word vipassana), and respond to them compassionately and wisely.
An online retreat is an opportunity to cultivate personal and spiritual growth right at home. It can help free us from any patterns of psychological conditioning that imprison us, and move us towards greater spiritual liberation as well.
You are invited to experience the benefits of a such a transformative practice during the one-day online retreat titled "Re-Inhabiting Our Bodies" which I will host on Sunday, November 6th. Sign up here - I look forward to practicing with you!