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Federico Petrelli
Apr 5, 20233 min read
Codependency healing: a story
The following is the story of one person's healing. You might recognize some aspects of this in your own life; others may not apply. No...
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Federico Petrelli
Feb 23, 20236 min read
Overwhelmed during meditation? Here are some tips
Trauma-informed mindfulness: how to meditate when the nervous system is caught in traumatic reactivity. Who needs trauma-informed...
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Federico Petrelli
Nov 6, 20221 min read
Hokusai Says
What is mindfulness all about? Hokusai Says Roger S. Keyes Hokusai says look carefully. He says pay attention, notice. He says keep...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 30, 20221 min read
How Embodiment Saved my Life
A neurological disorder called dystonia shut me out of half of my body, and had me spend entire months in bed. Through mindfulness and...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 30, 20222 min read
What is Love? Video + Explanation
Our culture is quite confused when it comes to love: we tend to associate it with the romantic love we see in movies and read about in...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 22, 20222 min read
What is embodiment? Explanation + Video
Embodiment is our capacity to be present for the fulness of our human experience, as it is communicated to us by our nervous system and...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 22, 20221 min read
Online mindfulness retreat - why do I need one?
An online mindfulness retreat allows us to experience two vert rare things these days: silence and presence. During a retreat, we get to...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 22, 20221 min read
What is Mindfulness? Explanation + Video
“Mindfulness is awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a sustained and particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 22, 20222 min read
What is Healing? Explanation + Video
Healing comes from the same root as the word "whole": as we heal, we bring back more and more parts of ourselves into our conscious...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 22, 20221 min read
What is Nervous System Regulation? Explanation + Video
Nervous system regulation is our ability to use the most present, evolved parts of our brains to signal safety, convey compassion and a...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 22, 20222 min read
What are the Cranial Nerves? Explanation + Video
The cranial nerves are twelve pairs of fundamentally important nerves in the nervous system. They are found in our head and necks, and...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 22, 20221 min read
What is Compassion? Explanation + Video
Compassion is what arises when love meets suffering: it is our ability to let ourselves be moved by the suffering we witness, whether in...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 19, 20221 min read
Podcast: Kundalini, the Energy Body, and Sex
Ancient wisdom and modern science are increasingly converging around the understanding that our bodies are a vibrating field of energy....
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 19, 20221 min read
What is Alignment? Explanation + Video
Psycho-spiritual alignment is another way to define personal inner coherence: every spiritual tradition has a way of helping...
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Federico Petrelli
Oct 19, 20221 min read
What is Neuroplasticity? Explanation + Video
Neuroplasticity is our brain's ability to learn and adapt in response to stimuli. Even the adult brain has a capacity to change and heal....
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Federico Petrelli
Aug 16, 20222 min read
Radical Acceptance: Letting Pain be our Teacher
Radical acceptance: allowing pain to be our teacher by cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion.
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Federico Petrelli
Dec 4, 20216 min read
Trauma Healing: You are a Primate. This is a Wound.
You are a primate. You are the kind of primate that lives on or nearby trees, sees green all around and eats colorful fruit and tender...
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Federico Petrelli
Dec 4, 20213 min read
Waking up to the Fullness of our Experience.
What is an existence? For many, perhaps for most, it is a vehicle we travel in, without being conscious of it, much less directing its...
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